
We at are not afraid of change.  Change has been a constant in our lives and we don’t think that is a bad thing.  As Marcus Aurelius most sagely advised, “Observe always that everything is the result of change, and get used to thinking that there is nothing nature loves so well as to change existing forms and make new ones like them.”

As the recent recession steamrolled the construction industry we began to realize there were some big changes that were going to be necessary in order for the industry to regain all that lost momentum.  Efficiencies and cost-cutting were going to have to be the name of the game.  Our areas of expertise and experience were in the plan printing business.  We regularly interfaced with construction industry clients on their plans and printing projects, and we were constantly trying to find ways to help them shave costs in order to stay afloat.  An idea gradually took shape as we watched reprographers and competitors going out of business across the country during the recession.  Our online platform for blueprint printing and construction management is the products of that thought process, and the economic strictures imposed by the Great Recession.  Crises bring opportunity and change.  We chose to embrace the changes that were afoot.  We worked to streamline, modernize, and scale up our printing services and take them completely online.  Out of this process our new company, was born.  Now, as a result of our ideas and efforts, our friends in construction, architecture, engineering, and related industries can order inexpensive blueprints online and get them delivered expeditiously.  We also provide fully integrated online and over-the-phone support services for any questions or complexities that arise in the plan printing process. This is just the beginning of the modernization we are working to bring to the industry.  Soon our clients will be able to utilize our cutting edge construction management software.  Our upcoming cloud-based plan rooms will replace all the square foot storage previously necessary for big construction firms to keep hard copies of their plans.  Our upcoming bid software will streamline and revolutionize the bidding process by allowing easy sharing of bid work and a social media type interface specifically for the construction industry.

We are very excited about the changes on the horizon in the architecture, construction, and engineering industries.  So many wonderful and innovative projects are underway.  We never stop being impressed by the designed and built spaces that surround us, and we are very excited by the futuristic design/build trends.  We think this all of this makes ours a very exciting era in which to be living.   We are happy to be part of a process that empowers and liberates humanity to do more with less and to reach for great new heights.

Making Blueprints Easy

One of our primary motivations for creating and something we have kept central throughout our start-up process is ease-of-use.  Our website is intended to be extremely user friendly and to make your life as a contractor, architect, or construction manager ever-so-much simpler.  Everything can be done right from your desk and our comprehensive support site and knowledgeable support staff are always available to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Just for fun, let us walk you through our simple ordering process here in 10 simple steps:

Step 1:  Click on [Start Your Order]

Step 2:  Enter your user name, password, and email to create a account.

Step 3:  You are now ready to order – simply click on [Upload Another File] and upload your plan pdfs right from your personal computer.

Step 4:  Choose formatting [Blueprint, Specbook, Proposal, Lg. Color Print]

  1. Blueprint – a blueprint is typically a black & white document sized at, or larger than 11×17 in print size that is typically rolled and shows either architectural or engineering layouts.
  2. Specbook – a specbook is typically a black & white document sized at, or smaller than 11×17 and is a manual, specification or other booklet or book that explains in detail a set of procedures, engineering specifications, detailed callouts for architectural drawings or engineering drawings, or any other list of instructions (employee manuals, parts lists, equipment manuals, etc.).
  3. Proposal – proposals are typically color documents that act as sales aids and are typically printed on heavier, high-quality paper and are smaller than 11×17.  Finished with nicer binding options, proposals are much higher quality overall than specbooks.  They also require that you speak with a customer service representative in order to ensure the exact details of your order.
  4. Lg. Color Print – large color prints are full-color, high-quality prints larger than 11×17 and can be any of the following:  architectural renderings, cover sheets for plans, sales or explanatory aids for planning or sales meetings.  To ensure the highest quality needed for your print, please leave notes with your order or call customer service.

Step 5:  Click [Order] highlighted in blue next to the file in the Media Manager, or click [Print a New Job] on the home screen.

Step 6:  Choose your size (the page shows your document’s original size to the right of the drop menus), paper, appearance, and binding from the drop down menus.

Step 7: Once you have all of your specifications selected click [Add to Cart].  Repeat this process for any additional items you wish to order.

Step 8:  When you have all of your desired order materials selected and in the shopping cart simply click [View Cart].  Here you will be able to review your order items, enter a coupon code, if you have one, and then click [Proceed to Checkout].

Step 9:  On the final page have the option of shipping items to multiple addresses.  You will also enter your credit card information and billing address.  You will then have the option of choosing expedited shipping.

Step 10: Once you have entered your CC info and your shipping details simply click [Place Order].  Your print projects will be on your doorstep before you know it!

Honestly, has getting blueprints or other print projects done ever been easier?  We think not. We hope you will continue to choose for all your printing and construction management needs!

Fully Mobile

As technology changes everything we do, mobility becomes the increasingly sought-after will-o-wisp that somehow we all know is possible. Yet how do you know that something is truly useful and not just simply causing an increase in the amount of communication that you never seem to get to? That is the major question that we are asking as we build the software on this new platform. How do we make it useful and also not overwhelm with information, make it usable and make it simple enough that the use of the software is guaranteed to supplement rather than detract from your day, keep you engaged longer with what you need to do, yet give you the tools that you need to truly enhance your efficiency.

Our site is based on the ability to go mobile, built in from the very beginning. As we add modules and services, we are keeping an eye on the platform itself. As you use our print software, let us know how we are doing on keeping everything mobile on our support site at The software will resize automatically to the screen size, and the clicks needed to send prints should be very minimal.


Welcome to Blueprints Printing! I wanted to talk a little bit about why this idea was birthed and to welcome you to the continuing unfolding of this site that I hope will be a wonderful tool for you.

First off, as I look around my house or see the buildings going up in the downtown district here in Ogden, I get reminded of all of the incredible infrastructure, shelters, places of work, and beautiful structures that you build. All of you, from architects and engineers to framers and project managers, all collaborate to make this time of unparalleled convenience what it is. It is truly amazing to me how much we enjoy and even take for granted the incredible work that has gone into everything around us. You do this for us! You… the electrical contractor, the general, the mason, the apprentice and journeyman, the architect with the idea, the customer with the vision of what they want, the framer, the plumber, the road worker… so many people involved in giving us roads and buildings, infrastructure and lighting. You are the ones that gave us lighting to finish our projects, wiring for the sharing of ideas across the internet, structures to keep us out of storms and give us warmth during the winter and a cool place to be during the summer, convenience, countless hours of leisure, and a lifestyle that people a hundred years ago only dreamed of. You build it. Thank you. You dream up the ideas, you execute. You make ideas come to life, and we benefit greatly. No matter who you are or what you are doing at this point, the projects that you bring to life have brought us unparalleled opportunity for building our dreams.

I have been involved in the reprography and print industries for a while now, and as each print went out the door, as I listened and talked with your counterparts, as I saw each construction plan leave the building, I kept asking myself if there were a better way to do all of this. As I watched engineers meet with planning commission members or city planning committee people at the front counter, I kept asking, is there a more convenient, efficient, and better way to help streamline the very processes that have been cumbersome for so long. It was here that the idea for was born. Basically, it is an idea that we have that you shouldn’t have to spend so much time and effort in the ancillary duties of getting the information out there to the others involved in the projects that you are working on. There should be a more convenient, less expensive, and faster way of disseminating information.

So we begin here. Print from your desk, and forego the trip to the local blueprinting shop. Upload and get the files to the people who need to see them. Order your prints and ship them anywhere within minutes. You work hard enough, give yourself the 30 minutes or the hour back to do more or enjoy the leisure that you helped create for us. This is the beginning only. We promise you tools that will make your job easier and easier, your network bigger and bigger, your customers happier and more connected with what is going on, your ability to get the job done faster with less communication problems, and your time spent doing other than your core specialty cut down. We like simple; simple enough and powerful enough are the keys to the software and services we are building for you. Enjoy the site, and let us know how we are doing.

Welcome, and thanks.

Matthew Mossbarger, CEO