Blueprints. Drawings. Spec Books. Large Format Printing.
We offer a number of services for communicating clearly with everyone working on your project. Blueprints for construction professionals, architects, and engineers have been our specialty since 1949. Speed is our focus. We know that you need your blueprints and plans quickly. Our system is designed to get your blueprints on their way to you within 24 hours in most cases.

Get quotes instantly, online, with no hassle and no calls to sales reps. Automated print ordering and plan room system make it easy to store, share, and print from your desktop. Blueprints delivered to your door in as little as 24 hours with overnight shipping options!
We focus on the construction industry and understand the pressing nature of getting your blueprints and specs as quickly as possible. Using digital presses, Blueprints Printing delivers outstanding quality. The digital presses allow higher resolution and higher quality prints and copying than copiers do.
Printed blueprints are bound with post binding or staples (stitch). Black-edge binding, full-bind and label, and other binding options can be specified during checkout.
Your specifications (specs) are comb or spiral bound. Binding makes for easy opening and makes the specifications look great. We offer black and white printing at its best! You can choose color covers, lamination, and other other cover options. Our black & white and color digital presses offer superior quality at competitive prices and fast turn-around. Consider printing black & white for products such as:
- • Specification Books
- • Half-Size Plans
- • Booklets
- • Job Site Posters
- • Directories
- • Owners/Instruction Manuals
- • and more
Combine these printing services with our finishing products to complete the job. We offer full binding services for saddle stitch, coil bind, and comb bind. We also have in house laminating, scoring, folding and cutting options to meet your needs.
- • Print on Colored Paper divisions in specifications and revisions
- • Send a copy of the spec with every set of plans
- • Print covers in color to highlight your firm
Waterproof your plans with Tyvek
Water, mud, sand, tools, handling, and exposed concrete all take their toll on the paper plans. Job site blueprints and drawings are always exposed to tremendously harsh conditions for normal paper. Tyvek is so tear-resistant that it withstands all the elements and protects the blueprints against scuffing as well. The many uses of this material have been extended to job site drawings. Tyvek is coupled with our weatherproof printing process and is as durable as vinyl, but much lighter.

Some of the biggest construction companies use Tyvek blueprints, as they can print once and have the construction plans last for the whole job. The crew loves them because they don’t fall apart and can be washed off with soap and water. The architects and project managers love them, because their redline drawings can last for the whole job without having to be redrawn. Tyvek is a DuPont brand of flashspun, high-density polyethylene fabric that has been used in the following: marathon number tags (because of the extreme lightweight, durable nature of the fabric), wrappings for houses for an added layer of waterproofing and insulation, FedEx envelopes, and even wallets.
Need a large rendering for a proposal? We print color renderings, proposal books, and color customer sets. Let our color printing technology reproduce the rendering for you in true 2400X1200 DPI color with looks that will impress any client. We can ship it along with your drawings or overnight it to you for that upcoming big sale. Sell it well and get the job with great quality large and small color prints!
We also do full color proposals at rapid speed as well. If you need that proposal printed, just upload it to the site and make sure to include your notes or contact customer service. Our color proposals are reproduced on color, digital presses near photo quality that are sure to impress. We are experts in getting you the information that you need on time.

Online Project
Collaboration Tool
At, we are on a mission to make the collaboration, management, and communication software tools affordable, efficient, and modular. No one that we know of has the vision that we do for linking you and your projects to clients, contractors, subcontractors, people on site, and the support staff off site, on one easy-to-use online platform.
Our first module will be an easy and efficient cloud based Plan Room where you can store, upload, download, and share your documents with others. Our Plan Room module is being programmed now, and is slated for completion by End-of-Year 2018 or early 2019. This low-cost solution means even the smallest company can have a storage solution that is secure, backed up, and fast.
We also have a Bid Software Module that is in the works. We have identified over 9 other modules that will be rolled out which will increase your productivity and save you time and energy, while allowing you to communicate and share information more quickly and efficiently with everyone attached to the job. Stay tuned.

Order Prints & Get Instant Quotes
We started with straightforward purposes in mind… make it easier, make it less expensive, and make it faster than it has ever been before. Get your blueprints printed and shipped in 48 hours or less… get them delivered when you need them by choosing the shipping that is best for you. Know one thing - you are not going to spend a lot of time or money getting what you need to the people who rely on you. Upload your blueprints, let the software do the rest, get the quote instantly, print and ship in minutes. Colored divisions, color renderings, regular construction plans, Tyvek, Mylar, whatever you need, it is here for you and just a couple of clicks away.

A plan room for file storage
Quickly manage your work, files, and uploads with a plan room that is designed for easy sharing. Our Plan Room software is being designed for easily sharing the right information with the right people. Manage your delivery and your file usage easily. Our software will scale to any level of storage needs inexpensively while allowing you to keep all your files in a secure location with backups and redundant drives that ensure your information is safe from breach or data loss.

Bid Software
We believe in inspired ideas and in the power of efficient collaboration which can take place on a well-designed, easy-to-use platform. We are building simple, yet powerful tools that fulfill this mission of making your life easier while allowing you to easily share information in multiple ways. As part of our online platform designed to help you do this, we are building bid management software with a twist. We don’t just want you to be able to easily and quickly send out and track your bids; we think you should be able to do it on a platform that lets you know how you’re doing at a glance; one that is affordable, and that adds value by making it easy to win and complete new projects.
That’s our mission with all of our software modules to come. That’s our mission with everything we do. That belief is why you can now sit at your desk and get your printed plans ordered in a couple of minutes without having to go through cumbersome quote mechanisms… you get your quote now, at a great price, and we deliver. Just like our blueprints program, our software is designed and built to cater to your needs to get things done quickly and efficiently, tools that give you information when you need it while helping you save your time. So stay tuned. We will be posting updates on your account page as we roll this software out.